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面议 南京 应届毕业生 学历不限
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南京汤山威雅实验学校 最近更新 501人关注
The Boarding House at Wycombe Abbey School Nanjing provides a stable, comfortable and above all secure environment in which students are given sufficient independence to develop self-reliance through carefully managed support and firm but fair guidance. The Boarding House is the Second Home for the students. The parents trust in the Team to ensure their children are safe, content and happy. 南京威雅学校提供了一个稳定、舒适和安全的寄宿环境,通过精心的管理、支持和坚定而公平的指导,让学生可以充分独立地发展自力更生的能力。寄宿学校也是学生们的第二个家。家长的信任是确保孩子安全、满足和快乐的***的支持。 Under the supervision of the Housemaster/mistress for the Student Residence, the matron is responsible to ensure the smooth running of the domestic matters relating to the boarding residence. The role also supervise and manage the house cleaning staff and cleaning supplies. 在学生宿舍舍监/女舍监的监督下,生活老师负责确保与寄宿宿舍有关的家庭事务顺利进行。该职务还需要监督和管理清洁人员和清洁用品。 在学生公寓女房东/女房东的监督下,女房东负责确保与寄宿公寓有关的家庭事务的顺利进行。同时Overview of Responsibilities 工作职责 · Availability in the student residence during all working hours. · 工作时间都能在学生宿舍办公。 · Supporting the House Master/Mistress regarding House rules, regulations and routines. · 在学院规章制度和日常事务方面支持学生宿舍舍监的工作。 · Encourage all to be security conscious and alert at all times, ensuring that no one enters the residence without prior appointment or permission and that all visitors sign in; ensuring that safeguarding procedures are adhered to during core hours. · 鼓励所有人始终保持安全意识和警惕,如没有事先预约或许可任何人不得进入,所有访客都要签到;确保在核心工作时间内遵守保安程序。 · Supervise the rising and bed times · 监督起床和睡觉时间 · Supervise cleaning staff to ensure tidiness and cleanness of the boarding areas. · 监督清洁人员在寄宿区域内的卫生情况。 · Promote good manners and courtesy from students · 培养学生良好的礼仪和礼貌 · Liaise with teachers when the children are ill, need rest, need to be excused from P.E., swimming and sports. · 当孩子在生病,需要休息,或者不能上体育课,游泳和运动时,主动与老师保持联系。 · Attend to students’minor ailments at any time necessary. · 随时照顾生病的学生。 · Provide stock of medicines, equipment, as necessary required by the Medical Center for the Student Residence and also recheck expired date etc. of the medicines in stock · 根据学生住宿医疗中心的要求,检查药品和设备的库存,并对库存药品的过期日期等进行复核。 · Beware and register to school the children’s allergies, medicines etc. · 注意并向学校登记孩子的过敏、药物等情况。 · Co-operate with the teacher, school nurse and other staff about health or other matters. · 关于健康或其他事宜,与老师、校护士和其他员工保持合作。 · Overall control of tidiness and cleanliness, checking all rooms for safety, state of repair and cleanliness on regular basis. · 定期检查所有房间的安全、维修和清洁状况。 · Instruct the boarding students in the use of laundry facilities, ensuring the rules are understood and checking the laundry on a daily basis to ensure its smooth running, tidiness and cleanliness. · 指导寄宿生使用洗衣设备,确保了解洗衣规则,每天检查洗衣设备,确保洗衣的顺畅。 · Control of bedding and linen inventories including laundry despatch and receipt. · 管理床上用品的库存,包括洗衣的收发。 · Check the facilities in the boarding area at the start and end of each term. · 学期开始和结束时,检查宿舍区的设施。 · Undertaking additional tasks as agreed with line manager. · 完成上级领导交待的其他任务。 · Keeping up to date with professional developments and attending relevant training · 及时了解行业内的发展并参加相关培训。 Working conditions 工作要求 · Works 6 days a week and can take 1 day off per week. Flexible daily hours, up to 8 hours and day. · 每周工作6天,每周可以休息1天。灵活的每日时间,8小时工作制。 · Be available on the mobile telephone 24 hours unless it is her weekend off duty · 24小时携带工作手机,随时关注学生突发事件,非工作日除外。 · In the non-academic staff category but is not required to work during the whole school holidays. · 属于非教职员类别,根据学校规定享受学校假期。 · Free housing and catering (breakfast, lunch and dinner) provided by school at boarding area. · 提供免费住宿和餐饮(早餐、午餐和晚餐)。 Candidate Requirement
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